
testing sharing blogger entry on google+

Don't read this, Please stop right now, there is nothing to read here, but I do admire your persistent, because there is clearly no content in this and yet you still hang on to it. I start to respect you at this point however stop being a fool. If you hang on I might tell you a secret. By the time you read this you could have spent the extra 30 seconds of your precious life on something more worthy than reading this nonsense contentless entry. Sometimes life is just full of choice, should I give up now because I can see no point in this, or should I keep my faith in it since I have invested time in it already? It is like waiting for a bus innit? I am a virgin. When you wait for it it never comes, when you turn your back and walked a distance it arrives without a sound, gracefully without making a fuss. Who made the effort of reading all this? who can tell me what secret I have told you?


testing testing

this is my blog, i am showing mtg actor how to use my blog, how to put entries on my blog





還不是因為太多的其他social networking device, 又twitter又facebook又wave。一下子太容易發表片言隻語,意念都全被消磨,寫不成比較長篇的網誌了。

有些事還是不能用一百四十個字來表達的,就好似我這兩個星期的上班生活。工作的劇團中的演員都有學習障礙,也有自閉症,唐氏綜合症等。當中有部分是在訓練中的學生,有部分是專業演員,會參與national tour, 演出BBC節目及電影等。「特殊教育/戲劇」或許不是我的專長,但我相信人們能透過劇場溝通,而在戲劇世界中我們可以創造出一個不存在的世界,一個還未在社會中實現的世界。好像楊秉基在《等待明光》中的處理,演員看不到嗎?在台上鋪上引路徑,令他憑著足底的感覺,把路看得和大家一樣清楚。演員有讀寫障礙不懂讀劇本嗎?我們就把它錄了音吧。演員只能說到單字嗎?讓他用文字以外的語言表達吧。每個人都有發展個人才能的機會,社會應負起給予每個人相同起點的責任。這個如此社會福利主義的說法,恐怕我說不下去了。



post-show blues... or not

The show is done. It was only yesterday, and it feels like ages. It feels so distant. This is my favourite matephor: it feels like a dream.
I congraduate myself on being able to annoyed some people, and impressed other by doing exactly the same thing. I am so glad that I turn out not being too ridiculous, and stupid. I promise, I will only get better from now on.
Thats all for now, I know i am lasy

ps. the key on my keyboard for the last alphabet is officially dead. pardon me when i use "s" instead of the alphabet that cannot be typed.


Happy Birthday my love

Today is my love's birthday, but I didn't send anything, I have even missed his call. I tried to call back, but it couldn't get through.

I feel guilty and rubbish. I really feel sad. Am I not a competent girlfriend? Among my mates, I am always the one who is not sensetive about birthdays, and I am sometimes blamed as heartless. Well, now it proves that I am not putting boys before friends, I am just so insensitive... maybe not caring... but I cannot admit that I am not caring. I may be careless, but I am not care-less. I do care, I do care a lot. First of all, I do remember. Secondly, as I have written down a week ago in Chinese, I planned to do sth.

Birthday is the most important day for a person, because one wouldn't have existed without a birthday. That's why I know I shouldn't be down on this important day of my beloved one. I am grateful that the day has brought my beloved to life, and his family as well. This should be a day for me to celebrate, a baby was born on this day who has grown into a lovely man.

My love, I wish you a fabulous year, and more fabulous years to come.



Bad habbit

Sense of uneasiness is creeping on me again... There seems a lot to be done, tasks and feelings get mixed up together in a bundle, which I am too frightened to disentangle. Such feelings paralyzed me, knots in the bundle are then tied up even tighter.

It makes me feel like a loser.


mass dance

Have seen this T-mobile dance earlier this year, think it was brilliant and a lot of fun

now somebody has used the same idea to pay tribute to MJ. So tempted to do the same in HK...



Country road take me home to the place where I belong

Me: I am gonna be back to England late Aug...

Friend: Since when you are going "back" to England instead of going "to" England???

Well, it's such an ideological question. I guess it was since when I have somewhere to belong. Isn't it just great to have somewhere you can go back to all the time? I am going back to HK, and then I am going back to England. Always feeling like home, always feeling belonged. Isn't it great to be a bird without legs?